Visit Types

Visit Types
In-Office, Telemedicine & Portal Visits
In-Office Visits: These appointments are currently available for ALL patients. They take place in either the Denver or Louisville office locations. There is a traditional check-in verifying medications, obtaining vitals and consultation with the practitioner. These appointments are billable to insurance. Deductibles, copays and coinsurance apply. Not all integrative services, specialty labs, injections and therapies recommended by the practitioner are billable to insurance. These are discussed individually with patients during the appointment prior to performing.
Telemedicine Visits: These appointments are currently available for MOST patients. They take place through an online platform with video and audio. Good wifi access and a device with video is needed (smart phone or computer). There is a phone call check-in prior to the visit by the practitioner’s medical assistant to review medications and to ensure that you are in an appropriate location to have the Telemedicine Visit (no driving during the appointment, please). These appointments are billable to insurance although deductibles and copayments still apply. Please keep in mind that not all concerns are appropriate for a Telemedicine appointment. Refer to our Telemedicine page for additional information and to access the online “waiting room” for your scheduled telemedicine appointment.
Portal Visits: This visit type is for ESTABLISHED patients only. It is a digital communication initiated by the patient through the patient portal. This visit type is a series of back-and-forth messages between the patient and the practitioner. It does not involve a specific meeting time, speaking on the phone or over video. It does require the practitioner’s expertise and billed to insurance. This visit type is a good option when the patient has 1 non-urgent concern/question/request that does not involve a lot of additional history taking. There are times that the practitioner will recommend an in office visit or Telemedicine appointment rather than a portal visit. For more information and to sign the Portal Visit Consent, please click the link below.


In-Office Visits
- New Patient: It is dependent on time and complexity of the visit; $390-$487– Insurance codes – 99204 (moderate complexity) and 99205 (high complexity)
- Established Patient: It is dependent on the time and complexity of the visit; $254-$342 – Insurance codes – 99214 (moderate complexity) and 99215 (high complexity)
- Osteopathic Manipulation Evaluation and Treatment: Osteopathic manipulation is billed to insurance as a procedure while the evaluation and medical management is billed as an office visit; both codes are always sent to insurance. Verification of coverage can be determined by asking your insurance carrier of the frequently used osteopathic procedure code of 98928 and the office visit of 99204 or 99214. Please contact your insurance carrier prior to your first appointment to better understand your benefits and out of pocket expenses. Cash Prices (Paid at time of appointment) New patient – $285 and Est. patient – $235. More information on this service can be found under therapies.
- Annual/Well Child Plus Exams: At this time, our Annual and Well Child Exams are scheduled as PLUS exams. This is a Preventive Visit + Office Visit. The preventive part of the exam is to review all traditional age appropriate screening tests and labs. The office visit is for our integrative counseling services, review of other questions/needs. Both the Annual Exam/Well Child Check and the office visit are billable to insurance. The Annual Exam is frequently a “covered” benefit by insurance carriers and is paid in full by the insurance company under preventive services. However, the office visit may trigger copay/fee based on a patient’s insurance plan and deductible. Cash Prices and cost if not covered by insurance: Annual New patient – $344-$477 and Annual Est. patient – $318-346 Actual cost depends on age. The office visit insurance codes – 99213 (low complexity) or 99214 (moderate complexity); $172-$254.
- Hormone Pellets: Pellet therapy is not usually covered by insurance. The total cost for women ranges from $399-$429. The total cost for men ranges from $625-$736. The difference in cost is dependent on dosage, complexity of the visit and insurance coverage. Insurance may cover a portion of the visit and the out of pocket expense would be less in that situation. Please contact our office or billing service for more information on billing. More information about this service can be found under functional medicine services.

- New Patient: It is dependent on time and complexity of the visit; $390-$487 – Insurance codes – 99204 (moderate complexity) and 99205 (high complexity)
- Established Patient: It is dependent on the time and complexity of the visit; $254-$342 – Insurance codes – 99214 (moderate complexity) and 99215 (high complexity)
- Annual Plus Exams: Some insurance companies allow for adult patients to review preventive medicine concerns in a Telemedicine visit. This became an option during Covid and has continued for some insurance carriers. Please consult your insurance prior to having a Telemedicine Annual Exam to verify your benefits. As noted in the “In-Office Fees,” these visits are scheduled as Annual Plus exams. This is a Preventive Visit + Office Visit. The preventive part of the exam is to review all traditional age appropriate screening tests and labs. The office visit is for our integrative counseling services, review of other questions/needs. Both the Annual Exam/Well Child Check and the office visit are billable to insurance. The Annual Exam is frequently a “covered” benefit by insurance carriers and is paid in full by the insurance company under preventive services. However, the office visit may trigger copay/fee based on a patient’s insurance plan and deductible. Cash Prices and cost if not covered by insurance: Annual New patient – $ $344-$477 and Annual Est. patient – $318-346. Actual cost depends on age. The office visit insurance codes – 99213 (low complexity) or 99214 (moderate complexity); $172-$254.

G Codes and Prolonged Service Code
G2211 (~$21): This code pertains to the ongoing management of chronic or complex problems. It excludes the abbreviated appointments used for single acute problems like strep throat or sinusitis but will be used in most regular encounters beginning in January 2025. The code recognizes the additional resources and work involved in: building a trusting long-term relationship with the patient; coordination of care with other providers; and managing a patient’s serious or complex condition.
G2212: (~$46-55) This code reports prolonged outpatient evaluation and management services. It is used when the total time spent by the provider on any given patient’s case reaches 75 minutes for a new patient or 55 minutes for an existing patient. The total time devoted to a case includes but is not limited to face-to-face time.
99417: (~$46-55) This code is also a prolonged service code. It has been in use prior to 2025. It is used when the total time spent by the provider on any given patient’s case reaches 75 minutes for a new patient or 55 minutes for an existing patient. The total time devoted to a case includes but is not limited to face-to-face time. It is similar to G2212. It is used if insurance does not recognize G2212. It is not used in conjunction with G2212.

Portal Visit
- Portal Visits: This visit type is billed to insurance at $29 for 5-10 minutes (99421 code), $59 for 11-20 minutes (99422 code) and $94 for 21-30 minutes (99423 code) of the practitioner’s time for evaluation and management of the patient’s concerns. For more information and to sign the Portal Visit Consent, please click the link below.

Therapy and Specialty Labs
- Therapies: The Sound Clinic therapies are outlined in detail on the therapies page. Refer to each individual therapy for specific costs. Therapies offered at the Sound Clinic range from nutritional IV support to regenerative medicine injections to acupuncture to osteopathic manipulation. While acupuncture and osteopathic manipulation can be billed to insurance, most therapies are out of pocket for the patient.
- Specialty Labs: These are out of pocket for patients. Individual costs and explanations for these tests are outlined on the specialty labs page.


Billing Questions
The Sound Clinic has a billing service that assists with processing all bills. They are happy to assist with questions regarding your bill and insurance. However, it is important for each patient to assume responsibility for understanding their insurance plan.
KV Physicians Billing Service Hours: Monday – Thursday 9am-4pm (MST)
Phone: 303.857.4397
Insurance Definitions
Deductible: The amount you have to pay out-of-pocket for expenses before the insurance company will start to cover their portion.
Coinsurance: Percentage that Insurance does not cover. 70/30 plan=Insurance pays 70% of allowed and Patient pays 30%. This typically comes into play after you have met your deductible.
Copay: Fixed fee for your office visit that is due from the patient. Depending on services acquired Coinsurance or Deductible may still be owed on additional services outside of an office visit.